Home Technologies Linear Submersible Pump (LSP)

Linear Submersible Pump (LSP) 

About Technology

Production technology

Plunger pump with submersible linear motor. This pump can be also called rodless beam pump.

The reciprocating rotor (hereinafter “slider”) of the submersible pump is driven by a linear permanent magnet motor installed below the pump.
The linear motor comprises a fixed round stator and rod with permanent magnets. The stator consists of three-phase winding cylindrical coils that are connected in series and powered by a variable frequency drive. The stator coils generate a travelling magnetic field that induces an electromotive force to move the magnetic slider which pushes the plunger pump rod.


  • Wells with frequent rod failures: Deep wells up 3km, inclined or horizontal wells, wells with dog legs. Wells with paraffin and scale precipitation.
  • ESP equipped low rate wells: ESP’s performance is sacrificed in well with flow less than 20 m3/d (126 bb/d), while LSP is perfectly suitable for low rate wells.
  • Reducing energy consumption: The downhole drive and absence of rods and friction, allows saving energy from 30% up to 80%.


  • Long pump run life : Less workover and maintenance costs.
  • Energy efficiency: Less OPEX is spent to lift oil to surface.
  • Increased production: It can be run up 40 degree inclination, allowing deeper pump installation and therefore achieving higher oil production.

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